Monday, November 28, 2011

Unsafe Harbor"

"Unsafe Harbor"  2.5"x3.5"  Acrylic on Mini Canvas
When writing about the attributes of a harbor, many would liken it to a place of safety and rest. This is also true for me, but sometimes I think about a harbor as a place where I've been safe and at rest for too long. If you feel the same way, it might be time for you and I to venture out of our calm surroundings, and see where the Lord would have us set sail.

Jesus set sail when He left the safety of heaven to voyage on the "Mud Puddle of Mankind." He set out, like all of us set out, as a baby. His Father sent Him. He sent Him with no other navigational chart than the chart of His love which He followed to the end of His earthly voyage.

The Father invites you to get on board with His Son. It may be your first time at sea, or if you're like me, you've just been hanging around the port for too long. It might be time to for us to shove off.

Yes, Jesus calls us from the safety of our harbor. Safety, for some, is found in not making spiritual waves with those around us, or possibly our harbor of rest might be in an indulgence that keeps us in dry dock, or it may be something else that prevents us from experiencing the high seas.

Jesus rode out many storms in His day, and in the end, He became our Savior. He invites everyone one to receive that gift of salvation and join his crew. As with all crew members, He expects all hands on deck and willing to follow Him as Captain of one's life.

Today it is time to leave the safety of the harbor and set sail with Jesus for the rest of your life. If you wonder what He'll have you do on board, put your mind at rest. It will most likely involve some fishing, which is exactly what I am doing with this blog.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Finding Hope

"Finding Hope"  2.5"x3.5"  Acrylic on Mini Canvas
   Unlike like the Pilgrims, who had a three-day feast, we all did the best we could in one glutenous day. Now it is on to the rest of the holiday season starting with Black Friday. For many the whole season can be "black" in the sense that it doesn't live up to the Hallmark movie or the storybook tale, "Twas the Night Before Christmas." This is true for many people, and there are many ways that people try to cope.

   This tiny art card (2.5"x3.5") I entitled, "Finding Hope," reminds me of the season of despair that some find themselves in. We can see the grandeur of the mountain top in the distance, but for us there is a wide, cold and snowy expanse to cross with dark forests on either side.

   No one should feel reluctant to seek counsel for serious depression, but for a follower of Christ, when the blues of life are creeping in, their is reason for hope through faith and prayer. In Psalm 42:5 NASB, it is written, "Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him For the help of His presence."

   If one looks back at this little painting, there is a pathway in the distance. It may take some effort on our part to find it, but there is a path. May God bless you with the help of His presence during this season leading up to Christmas; the birthday of Jesus Christ who is the Hope for all the world. If you don't know Him, I pray that you will seek Him through prayer. Tell God of your need for "His presence" in your life. He will show you the path.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Day

"The Empty Tomb"  24" x 48" Acrylic on Canvas
     It may seem odd to have a painting of an empty tomb as a representation of Thanksgiving Day.
In itself, a tomb would let the air out of a celebration, force voices to be lowered, and turn our reflections inward, and suppress our appetite for a time of thanksgiving.
     Yet, one very special tomb has the complete opposite affect. For the believer, the empty tomb of Jesus creates a sense of jubilation, giving power to one's speech, a desire to share one's inward thoughts, and all with a genuine appetite to celebrate, with thanksgiving. It is only in the empty tomb that one experiences a full sense of gratitude for the things He has done.
     Let the Thanksgiving Day Celebration begin!!!

The Empty Tomb

The empty tomb,
Oh, what a thought,
Thanksgiving full of gloom,
But not for those who know the power,
Of Him who left that room,

The empty tomb,
Is full of Truth,
All things were made through Him,
To prove He was God's only Son,
He came to life again,

The empty tomb,
Is full of Hope,
For what it does recall,
He who died and came to life,
is life and light to all,

The empty tomb,
Is full Love,
The sacrifice for sin,
He gave what we could not provide,
For all our souls to win,

The empty tomb,
Is full of Grace,
He gives to all who come,
So come along with grateful hearts,
Come all, and not just some,

The empty tomb,
Is full of Joy,
A jubilation shout,
God's steadfast love is what we say,
Thanksgiving's all about.
                                 - George L. Richardson

Biblical Inspiration:
Genesis 1:1   In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:3   Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
John 1:17    For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
1 John 2:2   He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
1 John 1:9   If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Matthew 28:20b   ...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Psalm 107:1   Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Grace Notes of Thanksgiving

    Recently I read an article entitled "Grace Notes of Thanksgiving" by David Brickner, that appeared in the newsletter, "Jews for Jesus" November 2011.
    He talked about "Grace Notes" in music as "musical ornamentation: a special series of notes to increase the interest and enhance the artfulness of a melodic line." Mr. Brickner went on to write how "God provides His children with grace notes: little reminders of His mercy and sovereign care for us that pop up and intersect with the challenges of our daily lives." The Bible is full of reminders of how God cares and keeps His promises to His children.
    May I suggest that we could be like the scriptures in the way that we give account of the "Grace Notes" God has delivered in our lives. So pick up your triangle, and make a joyful sound to those around you this Thanksgiving season. Proclaim just how good God is as you recount the "Grace Notes" that God has orchestrated just for you. 
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits"  Psalm 103:2

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Light of God

 "The Light of God"    12"x16" Acrylic on Canvas

Biblical Inspiration: Psalm 56:13, John 1:6-13, John 8:12
Creation Inspired: In Arches National Park, Utah, the rock weathers through allowing streams of light to enter in a way that grabs one's attention. Similarly, when Jesus enters one's heart, it will grab not only your attention, but those around you leaving them in awe of the wonders of God.

The Light of God
The light that surrounds us,
       At times becomes focused,
Revealing His wonders to all.
The True Light of God,
Comes in a like manner,
When piercing a heart made of stone.
                                 - George L. Richardson

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wooly Night

     The night may be full of wonder, but for some it could be a deep time of wondering. If you were imprisoned because of your faith, the night could be an especially lonely time. It is a time when you would need to have your faith strengthened. Jesus warned of those who would hate us because of Him.
     Please lift up in prayer, those who are suffering in His name, that they would be strengthened in the faith, not only on the eve of the IDOP (International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church), but everyday. May the Lord give us an attitude of compassion toward them as if we were right there with them during those times of wondering, as we look in wonder to the Day of Christ's return.   Amen.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Veteran' Day

Title: Unknown   by Ron J. Bitticks   Co H Ranger 75th Inf.
     I would like to wish every veteran a most peaceful and satisfying Veteran's Day for the service you have given to your country.
     I am proud to have served in the same unit as Ron, in Vietnam, during 1969. He recently passed away from conditions resulting from being exposed to Agent Orange.
     Here is an example of Ron's work. He spent his career searching for truth and peace through beauty. As Professor Emeritus at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, he gave 34 years of himself to his students and to his art.
     If you are a veteran dealing with the after affects of war, may Ron's life serve as an example. You can make it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Gate of The Lord

"The Gate of The Lord"  16"x20" Acrylic on Canvas Board

Thoughts on "The Gate of The Lord"

 IDOP- International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church is scheduled for November 13. In an attempt to remember autumn, I posted the painting, "The Gate of The Lord." IDOP is a day designated not in remembering a season, but the season of life that many Christians around the world find themselves in. This season seldom changes. They are often oppressed, imprisoned, or even martyred because of their uncompromising love for Jesus. The one thing, and not the only thing, we can do is pray for them. Although they would want to be released from prison, free to worship, and free from daily threats, there is one frequent request; that we pray that there faith would be strengthened. Please pray for them on November 13 and everyday. More information on the persecuted church may be found at:

Biblically Inspired: John 10:9; Mat 6:25-34; John 1:12 
Creation Inspired: Autumn in Western New York State
   This gate could be seen in almost any rural setting. It is not so much the specific location that is important as the special invitation that is offered.

The Gate of The Lord
Look how He loves His creation,
And His Words says He loves us much more.
I will delight in the beauty of the season,
and rejoice as His child for ever.
There is peace while I'm here on the pathway,
for I have entered through the Gate of The Lord.
                                             - George L. Richardson