God designs with purpose. For example, plants provide food, beauty, and oxygen into the air for us to breath. It seems that everything has it’s purpose if we have the ability to understand it - even people.
We might think that our purpose is to hop about, like the lamb in this cartoon, and just seek out what ever pleasure is to our liking. Pleasure is good, and God even created it, but it is hardly our purpose.
Jesus said that the whole of God’s Word can be condensed down to a simple need-to-know thought. That is, to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and He added to that: to love our neighbor as ourselves. This is the purpose for which we exist and once we choose to follow it, we can have purpose with the greatest pleasure resulting in an abundant life which brings honor to God, the great purpose giver.
One may think it is impossible to live this way perfectly. You’re right! That is why God purposed His Son, Jesus who can cleanse us from those imperfections (sins) so that we can continue on with the purpose for our lives.
It’s great when us sheep know our purpose, but just watch out for the wolves! They have their purpose too.