Friday, August 17, 2012

You’re on a need-to-know basis.
God is Merciful to those who yield to Him.

To yield must mean that there is some sort of conflict going on. With God, the conflict is the result of sin that separates one from God. Sin can be referred to as a wall of separation. Building one comes naturally to humankind, but this wall of sin can be expanded upon until it is not only high, but surrounds the builder until there doesn’t seem to be a way out. In reality, a large wall of sin is not any easier to breach than a small one. A wall is a wall, and sin is sin. Either one will entrap us.

What you need-to-know is that God has made a way through. Jesus destroyed sin on the cross when He took our wall (big or small) on Himself to make it possible for all to have a right relationship with our Heavenly Father. This right relationship is available to everyone who yields by confessing one’s sin, turning from it, and trusting that Jesus has destroyed that wall (sin) and is now our Lord and Savior.

Isn’t it good when we know our need to bust through is as close as our cry, “I yield! I yield!!!”

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