Thursday, April 5, 2012

God is Compassionate

You’re on a need-to-know basis.

A Thesaurus would sight compassionate as a concern for the victims -
sympathetic, empathetic, understanding, caring, solicitous, sensitive, warm, loving; merciful, lenient, tolerant, considerate, kind, humane, charitable, bighearted...., and we need-to-know that that is God.

God has compassion for those who are lost and is sympathetic to our situations. We are like dumb sheep for which God is empathetic, and understanding. God certainly shows caring in the way He continually invites us back up on the hill where we belong and is sensitive to our poor choices. I could go on and on putting into sentences all the words that describe God’s compassion, but I’d run out of room.

The Bible says that the Son of Man, Jesus, came to this big pasture called earth because of the great compassion He has for all us dumb sheep.

Rejoice! He did this so we wouldn’t have to wander forever. It’s great when the need-to-know becomes the know-to-need to be saved because we are lost. “Wool” you come to the Savior?

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