Wednesday, May 8, 2013

You’re on a need-to-know basis.
God is Searching

Are you feeling you aren’t worth a nickel? Are you lost so far down in the upholstery of life that you think it is impossible to be found? When you try to climb out, do you find that some derrière just won’t let you up? It might be the result of some bad choices on your part, or maybe life just opened wide and you fell into this dark abyss?

Jesus told a story to illustrate how God is searching and finding lost coins (people) everyday. Actually He knows right where we are and which chair we are in, but it is our sin that prevents God from reaching under the cushion for our rescue.

To be within God’s reach, we need to ask for His forgiveness of our sin and accept His Son Jesus, as Savior and Lord of our life. God will then put us in the palm of His hand, and we can never roll out again.

You have heard, “Jesus Saves.” Yes, He just loves collecting us nickels. We are so valuable to Him that He died for us. He won’t settle for just our two cents worth, but wants the whole coin (person).

It’s also nice-to-know that once found, we are investing our nickel’s worth in His Kingdom for eternity.

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